------------------------- // IMAGEBOX v1.1 ------------------------- .txt-based gallary surfer ------------------------- © Q:marketing Aktiengesellschaft 2003 E-Mail to: Sascha.Wenning@Qmarketing.de -------------------------- WHATS NEW IN THIS RELEASE? -------------------------- - The picture's ratio (earlier version 4:3) does not matter any longer - After rotating, the next dragged picture will start at 0 degrees // IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not change variable names defined in txt-files // -------------------------- TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR GALLERY: -------------------------- 1. Architecture Place imageBox_v1_1.swf and the folder "bilder" in the same dir. 2. Edit config.txt stored in Folder bilder like this: &anz_shootings=2&ordner=shooting1|shooting2 anz_shootings: Number of shootings displayed in the DropDown-Box ordner: names of folders (seperated by |) containing your jpeg-images This name will be shown in the DropDown-Box (Shooting) 3. Place a txt-file named "bilder.txt" in each folder representing your images &anz_bilder=5&fotos=bild1.jpg|bild2.jpg|bild3.jpg|bild4.jpg|bild5.jpg anz_bilder: number of pictures in this folder fotos: file names of your jpeg's (seperated by |) That's it!